Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My "cute" Crew!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween 08

Eli was a Power Ranger for Halloween, it wasn't much different from any other day...he dresses up like spiderman or a transformer nearly everyday
Piper was a Witch! And she was good at it!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bronco Football Game

Whats a football game without Cheerleaders??
We finished our weekend with a Denver Bronco Football game!!

Estes Park Colorado

Cris and I went to Estes Park colorado for the weekend. It was amazingly beautiful. Its one of Cris's favorite places to visit.

My man having a beer

The fall colors were unbelievable, the apsens were the brightest yellow I had ever seen.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Bailey Homecoming 2008

Bailey and her date, Dylan. Aren't they super cute?
"THE GIRLS"....They all got ready at our house, it was a blast!!

"THE GUYS"...they all came over and ate pizza and waited...and waited...on the girls :)

Eli loved playing soccer he has been wanting to play for a couple years now and they finally let him!

Piper and Eli play soccer

Today was the kids first game and their 1st year playing soccer. Piper scored a goal...although it was for the other team :)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Ian's 1st Football Game

Ian plays 7th grade Football, there first game was against Goodland, we lost 14-8
Ian is #55--GO IAN!! :)

Eli's Batman "BOY" Party

Eli wanted to have just boys at a party so since he is the baby of the family he ofcorse got it!
It was a fun party we made batman capes for all the boys and they ran around catching bad guys!
Eli with his cousin, Ayden and best buddy Dylan in the background.

They Party Crew!

Party @ the park

Eli had a Pizza Party @ the park with his daycare friends !!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Eli's Finally Five

Mom and Bailey whipped him up a cake
Eli's Grandpa thinks its funny to buy him a KC Chiefs shirt when we are obviously HUGE Bronco Fans!!

Getting ready to open presents!!!

We got Eli this cool moon bounce thing....its fun

Eli starts preschool

Today was Eli's first day of school, and he got to celebrate and take treats for his B-day on the very first day, he thinks thats perty cool!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Piper loses her first tooth

Cris finally had to pull both of Pipers bottom teeth, her new ones had already come in behind her baby ones....looks like braces to me :)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Ian gets Stitches

Ian decided to open his new calculator for school with his pocket knife rather than scissors. He ended up with 8 stitches! Wonder what he will use next time.....

Monday, July 28, 2008

Piper gets her tonsils out :(

Piper had to have her tonsils and adnoids removed and it has been a rough week, but she is on the up hill of things a week later. Now we willhave to deal with how spoiled rotton she has gotten.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Piper Plays Ball

I was congratulating Piper on a nice hit. She moved out of t-ball this year so sometimes she strikes out, but this game she got 2 nice hits!!
Cris and Eli watch Piper play.


Monday, July 14, 2008

Cris turns 38

Cris turns 38.
We had a bbq in Oakley to celebrate!

Presents and ice cream cake

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Picnic in Selden

Eli was too tired to make it home, he passed out on the way
Bailey with her Grandpa

Eli is a strange child

Cris with his sisters

Jaci and Nikki

Ian, now we see where Eli gets it from.

Ian plays baseball

3 of our 4 ball players

Rockies Baseball Game

It was a high scoring game, we won 18 to 17
July 4th game

Cris cought a foul ball right before Holiday hit a GRANDSLAM HOMERUN!

Bailey Turns 15

The Party
The cake Bakers
