Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My "cute" Crew!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween 08

Eli was a Power Ranger for Halloween, it wasn't much different from any other day...he dresses up like spiderman or a transformer nearly everyday
Piper was a Witch! And she was good at it!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bronco Football Game

Whats a football game without Cheerleaders??
We finished our weekend with a Denver Bronco Football game!!

Estes Park Colorado

Cris and I went to Estes Park colorado for the weekend. It was amazingly beautiful. Its one of Cris's favorite places to visit.

My man having a beer

The fall colors were unbelievable, the apsens were the brightest yellow I had ever seen.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Bailey Homecoming 2008

Bailey and her date, Dylan. Aren't they super cute?
"THE GIRLS"....They all got ready at our house, it was a blast!!

"THE GUYS"...they all came over and ate pizza and waited...and waited...on the girls :)

Eli loved playing soccer he has been wanting to play for a couple years now and they finally let him!

Piper and Eli play soccer

Today was the kids first game and their 1st year playing soccer. Piper scored a goal...although it was for the other team :)